Kung Fu is this week’s PE Activity of the Week, which focuses on jumping and actions.
Active Superstars plan, coordinate and prepare fun, energising games for children to participate in during our sports sessions. We like to be as unique as possible and ensure children have fun whilst working hard and learning new skills. Each week we share our favourite ‘PE Activity of the Week’ to give you an insight into our sessions and provide some inspiration for games of your own.
The Object of the Game:
The object of the game is to jump up and down and then choose an action, hoping that it isn’t the same as the Kung Fu master!
Skills Acquired:
- Jumping
- Actions
- Co-ordination
- Speed
- Agility
- The group creates a circle around the leader, who will be the Kung Fu Master.
- The Kung Fu Master demonstrates three actions, which could include kicking, chopping and stance
- The children jump up and down as the Master calls from 5 down to 1, and when he reaches one the children must pick and action to act out
- If they chose the same action as the Kung Fu Master, they are out
- This repeats until one person is left, who will be the winner and will have their turn at being the Kung Fu Master
- Add more moves such as a star jump, frog jump or press up
Active Superstars offer a wide range of physical activities during the school holidays.
If you want to engage your child in unique, fun, energising sports, call Active Superstars today on 0121 222 5464 or email info@activesuperstars.co.uk